Monday, August 29, 2011

The Rationale

The Shannon-Weaver Communication Model can appropriately and effectively be applied to the stated communication problem. The S-W model is a straightforward model of communication and information transmission. It is an intuitive process or system of communication. It easily connects the message from the sender to the recipient and allows for essential feedback to determine that the message was indeed understood or if further information or clarification is necessary.
Communication is a process of transmission of information in any format, in any mode of transmission, be it electronic, telephone conversation, face to face or by the written word to name the obvious.
Ms. Booker, the Librarian, has historically had a good, formal working relationship with the school Principal. This well established, cordial relationship between the Librarian and the Principal has in the past facilitated ease of communication. Understanding that the Shannon-Weaver Model is the concise transmission of an uncomplicated message to a specific receiver, Ms. Booker has taken careful and appropriate steps to present a clear message. She is confident that by using a well thought out communication model the intended message will not be misinterpreted or distorted.
The simplicity of this communication model allows the message to be easily sent or transmitted by the source via the appropriate channel and easily decoded by the receiver. This model is also adaptable for ongoing communication with other faculty and students. The S-W model provides the feedback component which validates the comprehension of the message for both the sender and receiver. The simplicity of the S-W model will prevent the breakdown of communication.
The stability of the situation and the simplicity of the textual message precludes Ms. Booker from utilizing other communication models. The David Berlo S-M-R-C Model incorporates the psychological complexities of communication such as attitudes within the source, content within the message, physiological senses within the channel and again attitudes within the receiver. Although these variables would be of value in a situation of less certainty, due to the uncomplicated communication needs of Ms. Booker, the S-W model was sufficient.

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